Friday 11 December 2015

14 Ways To Keep Your Vagina Young & Healthy

Your vagina ages just like the rest of you, but you can do it gracefully. Here’s every method we could find of how to keep your lady parts strong and toned in the face of gravity, baby deliveries, and time itself!

1. Drink a lot of water
Water’s good for everything, from making your internal organs run better to making your skin look plumper and brighter. Those benefits apply to your vaginal skin, too. Hydrating your body also keeps your store of natural vaginal lubricants full. Get your 9 cups of water a day!

2. Drop that douche
Nobody douches anymore, and you shouldn’t either. Douching was a phase several decades ago, but the American College of Obsetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) doesn’t recommend that women do it. It can interfere with pH levels, reducing the natural acidity inside your vaginal canal and making bacterial infections more likely. When showering, use a little non-irritating soap on the outside of your vulva and labia, but there’s no need to get inside your vagina itself.

3. Kegels
You probably knew that Kegels would be on this list! Kegel exercises, where you squeeze and/or hold your pelvic floor muscles to strength them, are easy to do almost anywhere you are and do wonders to tighten and tone. In addition to getting you a vagina like a vice, Kegels can help prevent or correct urinary or fecal incontinence.

4. Get more control during sex
Taking a more active role during sex works your vaginal muscles more effectively. If you’re on top or otherwise driving the motion of sex, chances are you’re getting a good internal workout from it. Tap into that mind-body connection during sex: tell yourself to squeeze your pelvic floor muscles, and it’ll happen more often and more intensely.

5. Don’t cycle through weight changes
Gaining and losing a lot of weight can have long-lasting effects on your skin, namely sagging where fullness used to be. These effects can happen in your genitals, too. The best way to keep your vaginal skin looking young is to avoid gaining and losing a large amount of weight (other than pregnancy weight, which is distributed differently).

6. Have safe sex
Preventing sexually transmitted diseases is one of the best, most effective ways of keeping your lady bits youthful. Condoms protect against STDs like HIV, genital herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and genital warts, all of which can wreak havoc on your vagina’s appearance (among other, more serious health effects). Remember that hormonal birth control only helps with preventing pregnancies, not infections.

7. Get a haircut
As you age, your pubic hair might go gray and get thinner. If you’re not happy with the changes, you have three options:
Shave it all off. Many women say they experience increased sensations without hair, and you might like the way it looks!
Dye it. Note that you should see a qualified beautician to take care of this for you; dying your pubic hair yourself is risky because your vulva is highly sensitive and dyes can be harsh.
Get a wig. A merkin is a pubic hair wig. They really do exist, and you can find one in any color you can imagine!

8. Have orgasms
Whether on your own, during sex, or both, keep having those orgasms. The more you use your genitals, the more rejuvenating blood pumps through them. “Use it or lose it” applies to your vagina, so don’t be shy about getting yourself off as much as you want!

9. See your gynecologist regularly
You should start seeing a gynecologist either when you turn 21 or within 3 years of your first sexual activity, and once a year after that. Prevention and early detection are incredibly important when it comes to infections, diseases, or just basic hygiene.

10. Good hygeine rules
The basics that your mom told you still apply: change your tampons and pads regularly, wipe from front to back, and don’t wear pantyliners if you don’t have your period (to catch normal vaginal discharge). Taking care of your vaginal health on a daily basis through good habits will fight aging.

11. Avoid long bike rides
Some experts say that the friction and unnatural sitting position involved in long-distance cycling can put extra pressure on the labia and vaginal entrance. Don’t worry about this if you’re a casual biker, but if you’re spending a few hours on the bike at a time, be aware that cosmetic vaginal changes could be a risk, especially if you have larger labia majora (outer lips) to begin with.

12. Use lube during sex
Lube is sex’s best friend: you really can’t use too much of it. Even healthy, hydrated women often don’t produce enough natural lubricant to make sex slippery the whole way through. Having sex without enough lube can be painful and irritating to your skin, both externally on your vulva and inside your vagina. Lubing up reduces dragging and pulling on your skin and makes sex more pleasurable.

13. Dress smart
Your clothing choices can help–or hurt–your vaginal appearance. Don’t wear underwear or clothing that’s too tight: not only will it chafe your labia and be really uncomfortable, but you don’t want to be rocking that cameltoe. Avoid wearing hot or moist clothing for too long, whether it stems from a hot day or a recent workout. You don’t want to marinate in sweaty clothes; it creates an environment ripe for infection. Lastly, try sleeping without undies to “air out” overnight and let your body breathe.

14. Don’t have overly rough sex
Rough sex can be fun, but don’t get so rough that it hurts you. Vaginas are incredibly strong–they have to be to deliver entire human beings!–but even they have their limits. You know your limits better than anyone, including what’s normal for you: some women experience a little bleeding every time they have sex, but others never do. If something hurts or feels uncomfortable, don’t push it. Extremely rough sex can lead to vaginal trauma and damage that can take weeks to recover.

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Africa Is Actually The Center Of The World !

The earth’s surface is approximately 70% covered with water, which part is thus uninhabitable by man. The 30% of the earth occupied by land surfaces is not in one single land mass, but is stretched out in an odd shaped assortment of continents and islands, all of which are either inhabited or potentially habitable by man.

Three of the seven great continents (Europe, Africa, Asia) are actually joined together, as are two others (North America, South America). During the glacial period, the sea level was lower and a land bridge across the Bering Strait connected Eurasia with the Americas. Australia was possibly connected to Asia by a land bridge across the Malaysian Peninsula and the islands of Indonesia.

The major land areas of the world have probably been connected together until fairly recent times, certainly within the period of man’s residence on the earth. By the Biblical chronology, in fact, this situation must have prevailed for some period of time after the great Flood and even until after the dispersion at Babel. The Bible says: "Of them (that is, of the descendants of Noah, after the Flood) was the whole earth overspread" (Genesis 9:19). Also, it says: "From thence (that is, from Babel) did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth" (Genesis 11: 9).

It is significant that ancient secular historians, as well as modem archaeological researchers, all agree that the development of civilization began somewhere in the so-called "Bible lands,"—not in Europe or America or China or South Africa, but rather somewhere in the region where Asia and Europe and Africa join together, most likely in the Tigris-Euphrates region. The ancient nations of Sumeria, Egypt, Elam, Assyria, and others of comparable antiquity, were all centered around this area. Similarly the beginnings of written communication, of transportation, of animal domestication, of agriculture, and of most other basic ingredients of structured human economies, are known to focus on this region.

At first, one might be tempted to offer these facts in support of the divine inspiration of the Bible, since the Bible does indicate that civilizations existed before the Flood and that therefore men carried with them aspects of that common civilized knowledge as they gradually spread around the world from Mount Ararat and the city of Babel. These facts do, of course, support the general historical accuracy of the Bible, but the historical fact that civilization began in this region does not in itself demonstrate that the writer of Genesis required divine revelation in order to report that fact correctly. He may simply have been a good historian. The rise of civilization in that region might be attributed to favorable physical and climatological conditions rather than to the Genesis story that Noah’s Ark landed in the vicinity. However, there may be a more subtle correlation between the Bible and geography than this, one which cannot be explained in terms of natural physical factors such as climate and soil fertility.

The argument might go like this: since God intended for man to "fill the earth" after the Flood (Genesis 9:1), and since the ark "rested upon the mountains of Ararat" the very day that God restrained the Flood from further destruction (Genesis 8:1-4, compared with Genesis 7:11), wouldn’t it be reasonable to think that God had arranged for the "port of disembarkation" to be located somewhere near the geographical center of the land which man was commanded to fill?

This may not be a necessary inference, but it does seem the most appropriate thing for God to do, since He was at this time acting completely in grace toward Noah and his sons. At any rate, it seems to be worth investigating as a hypothesis. There are a few Scriptural intimations to this effect, though no definite statement. For example, Ezekiel 38:12 speaks of the people of Israel as those "that dwell in the midst of the land" (King James Version). The latter phrase is better translated as "the navel of the earth." Many Bible commentators have interpreted this verse to mean that the land of Israel is located at the geographical center of the earth’s land surfaces.

There are also the various references to "the four corners of the earth," or better "the four quarters of the earth" (Isaiah 11:12; Revelation 7:1; Revelation 20:8). This is standard terminology for directional identification by which land areas are divided into four quadrants (northeast, northwest, southwest, southeast), with the "origin of coordinates" or "center," from which directions are measured, being placed at the focal point of interest. Invariably, in Scripture, this focal point, to which all directions are oriented, is assumed to be in Israel, or even more specifically, at Jerusalem.

It is significant that these "Bible lands" were not only the center of dispersion of the nations after the Flood when God told those who had been saved to go out and multiply and "fill the earth," but were also the center of dispersion of the news of redemption, when God told those who had been saved to go out into "all the world" with this witness. Once again, the interest of maximum efficiency in the accomplishment of God’s work of grace would have been best served, other things being equal, by seeing that this center of evangelistic outreach was established near the earth’s geographic center.

Though none of these arguments are fully convincing, we do have the feeling that it would at least somehow be appropriate for God to ordain the geography itself to be an expression of His love and concern for man. At least the subject is worth investigating. As a matter of fact, the location of the earth’s geographical center should be a matter of some value entirely apart from any theological considerations. In addition to its purely academic and esthetic interest, there could be innumerable future applications of the information. If ever there is to be a world administration, or a world communications center, or a world center of education or transportation or commerce or almost any organized activity of mankind as a whole, the most efficient location for such systems would logically be near the geographical center of the world’s inhabited lands.

Other things being equal, the cost of operating such systems would be minimized and the ease of utilizing such systems would be maximized if their hubs were located reasonably near the center of all the subsystems around the world that would have to be keyed into them. The location of the center of the earth is thus desirable not only esthetically and theologically, but also scientifically and economically.

Until the present time, however, such information could not have been acquired at all. In the first place, the geography of the earth’s land areas would have to be mapped with reasonable accuracy, and this was not accomplished until modern times.

However, the geography of the continents and islands is so intricately complex that there was no feasible way of calculating their center until the advent of the high-speed digital computer. If the earth had only one continent, and if it had a regular geometric shape (say a circle or rectangle), it would be easy enough to determine its center. But the actual situation is of course vastly more complicated.

The problem is basically to determine that point on the earth’s surface, the average distance from which to all other points on the earth’s land surfaces is a minimum. This point is defined as the earth’s geographical center.

(1) Divide all the earth’s land areas into small, equal, unit areas.

(2) Select one of these unit areas as a possible location of the earth’s center.

(3) Measure the distance along the earth’s surface from this reference area to each of the other unit areas, all over the earth.

(4) Add up all these distances and divide the total by the number of individual distances measured. The result is the average distance from the reference area to all the other unit areas around the world.

(5) Repeat the entire process in steps (1) through (4) above for each one of all the other unit areas around the world.

(6) Compare the "average distances" so calculated for all the different unit areas. The one for which the average distance turns out to be the smallest is the earth’s geographical center.
Actually, the calculation becomes feasible only if it can be programmed on a high speed computer. To accomplish the latter requires a knowledge of spherical trigonometry, geodesy, calculus, and computer science. In addition, there must be available accurate data on the earth’s land and water areas, arranged in a grid network tied to latitude and longitude. With these factors present, the computation then becomes quite feasible.


This particular research investigation was first proposed by Andrew J. Woods, M.S., a physicist with Gulf Energy and Environmental Sciences in San Diego. The project was sponsored by the Institute for Creation Research to the extent of providing funds for computer time rental and for publication of the resulting Technical Monograph. Mr. Woods performed all the analyses and programming on his own time. His results are summarized in the form of a project report, incorporated now in that Monograph. The theory behind the analysis, the computer results, and his conclusions are all given in detail there.

This fact is significant statistically. If we consider the Bible lands to be bounded roughly by Memphis (the capital of ancient Egypt) on the south and west (latitude 30°, longitude 31°), and Ararat on the north and east (latitude 39°, longitude 44°), this will include Babylon (latitude 33°, longitude 44°) and Jerusalem (latitude 32° , longitude 35°), as well as practically all the cities in which the events narrated in the Old Testament took place. The land area contained in this quadrangle (between latitudes 30° and 39°, and longitudes 31° and 44°), is approximately 440,000 square miles. The total area of the earth’s surface is approximately 197,000,000 square miles, 450 times greater.

Therefore, the probability that the earth’s center would happen to fall in these Bible lands is only one chance out of 450. This is highly significant, from a statistical point of view, even more so in light of the Biblical inferences to this effect, and is strong evidence of divine planning. The events could just as well have taken place, so far as chance is concerned, in any one of 449 other land areas of equal size elsewhere, land areas not containing the earth’s geographical hub.

The exact center of the earth, insofar as Mr. Woods’ calculations could determine, was found to be near Ankara, the present capital of Turkey, at latitude 39° and longitude 34°, on the same latitude as Mount Ararat and essentially the same longitude as Jerusalem.

Theologically speaking, it might have seemed more appropriate for this exact center to have turned out to be in Jerusalem, or else at Mount Ararat or possibly Babel. Of these three, it is essentially equidistant, about 550 miles, from Ararat and Jerusalem.

However, since there is no explicit statement in the Bible requiring the earth’s center to be precisely at Ararat or Babel or Jerusalem, all of the implications of Scripture in this regard are well satisfied if the center is somewhere in these Bible lands. Interestingly, the earth’s center at Ankara, together with Jerusalem, Ararat and Babylon form almost a perfect square.

As far as the needs of a potential center of world activities are concerned, these also would be met by a site anywhere in this region. Other factors besides that of precise centrality would of course have to be considered in the choice of such a location.

The calculations made by Woods indicate, in fact, that the average distance to all the world’s land areas varies only slightly for any central site in all this general region. For example, the average distance from the Ankara region was found to be 4,597 miles, whereas the average distance from the Jerusalem area is 4,612 miles and from the Ararat region is 4617 miles, a difference of only 15 miles and 20 miles, respectively, or about 113%. In terms of practical applications, the difference is negligible.

By way of contrast, the location of the earth’s "anti-center"—that is, the point with the greatest average distance to all the earth’s land areas, was found to be in the South Pacific, at a point of latitude -45° and longitude -150°. This point is east of the southern tip of New Zealand and west of the southern tip of South America, far from land of any kind. This would be the worst place to locate any kind of world activity center! The average distance to the land areas of the earth from this point was found to be 7,813 miles.

This article is included as Appendix B in the book Adventure on Ararat, available from I.C.R. (March 15, 1973), paper. For a full discussion of the above research study, with complete analysis, obtain the I.C.R. Technical Monograph No. 3, 7he Center of the Earth, by Andrew J. Woods, M.S. (published 1973).

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Adekanle Adedoyin has been declared missing !

This University of Lagos undergraduate, Adekanle Adedoyin has been declared missing.

Family sources say he was last seen yesterday December 7th when he left home for his school where he was to defend his project.

He did not make it to school neither did he come back home. His last phone location indicates Mowe-Ibadan road.

Anyone with any useful information about his whereabouts should contact the nearest police station.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

This Is George Nathaniel .

HKN B-Red Cucumber ! X Convict Music Boss Akon


 Adenaike Ibezim Yusuf (Ememzil) born on 22nd of May, 1990. Hail from Ogun state. Went to Kolade memorial Nursary and Primary school Ibadan. Secondary education @ Methodist Grammar School Bodija Ibadan. A graduate of Physiotherapy, University of Ibadan( still practicing my profession as a Physiotherapist). Also a professional fashion designer (Tailor). I speak two Nigerian languages wc are Yoruba and Hausa fluently. I love Music, adventure and sport. Am inventions oriented. Av bn into music since d age of twelve. My genre of music are Hip hop, Afro pop/dance hall. Av. Bn able to release few tracks out there wc are Ogbonrun, Gudugudu Meje and Sebayi ..

Tuesday 1 December 2015

The Nigerian National Assembly And What You Know..

The National Assembly is where the laws of the Nigeria are made. You do not expect to just walk in freely. Although in the past visitors were allowed to park their cars right in front of the building, things have changed due to the series of terrorist attacks in the country.

Despite this, there are still things that you need to know before you enter into the National Assembly. Let’s find out what they are below:
Dress Code: This is the most important that everyone needs to note especially the ladies. Everyone is expected to look smart but with a few rules. Ladies for example are not allowed to wear sleeveless clothes, three quarter pants, or anything that is above your knee. Do not take this for granted because they do not have mercy on anyone, you would be asked to go back home if you do not follow any of the criteria.
Gate Pass: This is another important point to note. No one can enter into the National Assembly without an invitation. If you are just visiting, you would need to call a staff that can invite you in because every staff or journalist affiliated with the National Assembly is given an ID card.
No cabs allowed: This is another important point to check. No taxis are allowed into the National Assembly. The green cabs are outrightly banned. But in this eighth senate, both painted and non-painted have been banned from entering into the premises. So you get stopped at the main gate and wait for the 20 naira NASS shuttles to take you in.

Taking pictures are not allowed: When you are in the National Assembly, you are not allowed to take pictures in the building if you are not accredited. You can take pictures outside the building, pictures of the building and around the environment but not inside. If you wish to, you can take permission before that day by going through the right protocols.
Cars not allowed after the car park: No car is allowed past the car park unless you have a sticker that says you are a staff. Most cars are only allowed to park in the car park which is slightly after the first gate.
Now you have read the five major thing to note before visiting the National Assembly. You should adhere to these rules to avoid embarrassment.

How Arabs Celebrate Marriage.

How Arabs celebrate marriages..
How Arabs celebrate marriages..!!
Posted by Dekho Bhopal on Sunday, September 14, 2014

Unilag Engineering Students Build Electric Car

Nigerian students build electric powered car
A group of Nigerian engineering students have built a track focused, four wheeled electric car using locally sourced materials and purely indigenous technology. Its innovators say the world is running out of fossil fuels, and Nigeria will soon need to move towards hybrids and electric cars.
Posted by CCTV Africa on Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Home Remedies to Improve Eyesight

Weak eyesight is most often associated with either nearsightedness (called myopia) or farsightedness (called hyperopia). Factors like genetics, poor nutrition, aging and excessive strain on the eyes usually contribute to these conditions.
The most common symptoms of weak eyesight are blurry vision, frequent headaches and watery eyes.
Be sure to consult your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. At times, eye problems can be caused by serious issues like glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataracts and optic neuropathy.
Weak eyesight is usually corrected with prescription glasses, lenses or even surgery. You can also try some natural home remedies to help improve your eyesight.

home remedies to improve eyesight
Here are the top 10 home remedies for weak eyesight.

1. Eye Exercises
Eye exercises make your eye muscles more flexible, and bring energy and blood flow to the eyes to maintain optimal vision. Regular eye exercises combat eye strain and also improve focus as well as concentration.
·         Hold a pencil at an arm’s length and focus on it. Slowly bring it closer to your nose and then move it farther from your vision until you can no longer keep it in focus. Repeat about 10 times a day.
·         Roll your eyes in the clockwise direction for a few seconds, and then roll them counter-clockwise for a few seconds. Repeat four or five times, blinking your eyes in between each set.
·         Try eyelid fluttering by blinking your eyes 20 to 30 times rapidly and repeatedly, without squeezing your eyes shut. Finally, close your eyes and let them rest. You can also try palming, which is described below. Do this twice daily.
·         Concentrate your vision on a distant object for a while. The best way to do this without straining your eyes is to look at the moon and focus on it for three to five minutes daily.
Perform one or more of these eye exercises on a regular basis, at least for a few months, to get encouraging results.

2. Sunning and Palming
Sunning and palming are also beneficial for eyes as these methods help reactivate and flex the eye lens and ciliary muscles.

Sunning will provide the benefit of the sun’s healing abilities and palming will promote relaxation and a sense of well-being. According to Chinese culture, the sun contains vital life energies that are critical to the health of the eyes as well as the overall body.
·         For sunning, allow the sun to shine directly on your closed eyelids while breathing deeply. Do this once daily for a few minutes, followed by palming.
·         For palming, rub your palms together to generate heat and then gently cup your palms over your closed eyes without applying pressure on the eyes. Make sure to cover your eyes completely so there is no trace of light. Do this several times daily while visualizing a pleasant scene.
3. Acupressure/Acupuncture
According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), malfunctioning or diseases in the eyes are often closely related to the liver and kidneys. There are various acupressure/acupuncture points around the orbits of the eyes, which are the bones that surround the eyeballs.

Acupressure points for eyes
·         Massage each of the acupressure points around the orbits of your eyes gently for five to 10 seconds. Start from point #1 shown in the image above and go up and outward massaging each distinct point. You can do this several times daily.Note: If you are pregnant, consult a trained acupuncturist before trying this therapy. Also, do not massage areas with scars, burns or infection.
·         Walking barefoot on grass in the morning dew for about 30 minutes is also considered an acupuncture method to help improve eyesight as it activates the nerve fibers connected to your feet. There are reflexology pressure points for the eyes on the second and third toes. Plus, the green color of the grass is soothing for the eyes.
4. Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo biloba improves circulation and eye blood flow. In addition to improving your vision, it protects against problems like glaucoma and macular degeneration. Early research suggests that it may also benefit people with retinopathy.

Ginkgo biloba is also known to relieve anxiety and improve memory and thinking, especially in those suffering from dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
Take 120-mg standardized ginkgo biloba capsules daily in two or three divided doses.

Note: This herb should not be given to children. Also, people suffering from diabetes should consult their doctor before taking this herb.
5. Bilberry
Bilberry is another popular herb for vision and eye heath. It can also help improve night vision as it stimulates the regeneration of the visual purple component of the retina.

Plus, it protects against macular degeneration, glaucoma and cataracts. It is also good for retinal problems related to diabetes or high blood pressure as it is high in a chemical called anthocyanoside that has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

·         Eat about one-half cup of ripe bilberry fruits daily.
·         You can also take bilberry supplements, after consulting your doctor. Generally, it is advised to take 160 mg of bilberry extract (with 25 percent anthocyanidin) two times a day, a few times a week.
Note: As this herb may interact with other herbs and medications, consult your doctor before taking it.
6. Almonds
Almonds are also great for improving vision because of their rich omega-3 fatty acid, vitamin E and antioxidant content. They also help enhance memory and concentration.

Monday 30 November 2015

The Black Experience... I Apologize . (Spoken Word).

I don't need to say anything
Posted by Nicholas Grierson on Friday, November 27, 2015


Stand a chance to win 100,000 naira in TroggeUrban's Instagram Contest! 
Start recording your videos and posting! Don't forget to follow @troggeurban
Goodluck guys!!

Sunday 29 November 2015

Lord Jamar Explains The Illuminati To Detail & Makes It Clear To You It's FAKE !

Lord Jamar is an American rapper and actor. He was a member of 
the hip-hop group Brand Nubian, which formed in 1989 As an 
actor, he is best known for his role of Supreme Allah on the TV 
series Oz.

Saturday 28 November 2015



The National Arts Theatre.

The National Arts Theatre.

The National Arts Theatre was built during the military regime of Olusegun Obasanjo. Its exterior is shaped like a military hat. It has a 5,000-seater Main Hall with a collapsible stage, and two 8675309 capacity cinema halls, all of which are equipped with facilities for simultaneous translation of 8 languages; among others.

The National Arts Theatre was designed and constructed by Bulgarian construction companies and resembles the Palace of Culture and Sports in Varna, Bulgaria (completed in 1968), the National Arts Theatre Lagos being the bigger of the two.

In 2010, President Olusegun Obasanjo announced plans to privatise the National Arts Theatre. This sparked controversy amongst Nigerian entertainers and playwrights like Wole Soyinka[1]. On December 30, 2014, it was reported that the National Arts Theatre has been sold to a Dubai-based conglomerate for the sum of $40million, and that the building will be converted to a duty-free shopping mall.

Friday 27 November 2015


Birth name : Douglas Jack Agu
Born19 : August 1989 (age 26)[1]
Origin : Enugu State, Nigeria
Genres : R&B, hip hop, reggae
Occupation : Singer, songwriter
Instruments  :  Vocals
Years active : 2011–present
Labels Current
Eric-Manny Entertainment
Penthauz/Sputnet Records

Runtown was born on 19 August 1989 in Enugu but grew up partly in Abuja and Lagos, where he finished his primary education. After the death of his father, he moved to Abuja with his mother who was working in the Ministry of Health. While growing up, he had the aim of being a professional basketball player. In 2005, he relocated to Enugu after his mother developed interest in politics; he went on to finish his secondary school education in Enugu State.

Runtown is currently studying Fashion Management at a fashion school in New York.

Runtown released his first single titled "Runtown" which was produced by Soge in 2007. His 2010 single titled "Forever" had a video directed by IvanEdd films.

In 2012, Jamaican/American singer Laza Morgan featured Runtown on a song titled "High on You" which did big on the Caribbean charts. J. Martins featured Runtown on a song off his Elevation album titled "Tonight"; he also worked with Phyno on a song titled "Anam-Achi Vers-Achi" which was produced by WizzyPro. In an interview with, he said he acquired his musical inspirations from Sean Kingston, Bob Marley and Kanye West.

On 29 January 2014, Runtown collaborated with Davido to release a song produced by T-Spize titled "Gallardo" which won the Best Collaboration of The Year award at the 2014 Nigeria Entertainment Awards. He later released the video which got over 418,000 views on YouTube in its first 2 months. The video features cameos from Patoranking, Skales and Phyno; it was shot in Nigeria and directed by Clarence Peters.

Runtown's career took a huge step after he signed a recording contract with Eric-Manny Entertainment through his friend, releasing "Successful" and "Domot" which received frequent airplay.

Runtown was featured on WizzyPro's "Emergency" song which also featured Skales and Patoranking. The song was produced by WizzyPro and released on 2 November 2014. The music video for "Emergency" which was directed by Patrick Elis was released on 19 January 2014.


After the successful acceptability of “ORUKA”, The icon in the making “Likkle Tee” came up with something unique and dynamic this time with the release of “BORN BEAUTIFUL” featuring Pizzy and M& String.

Adelaja David Adetola, popularly known as Pupa Likkle Tee is a graduate Bsc holder of botany from the University of Lagos. He has won several awards in the quest of his career so far with some reputable collaborations which gained airplay in and out of the country.  Likkle Tee represent Africa in his style of music, projecting Afro with R&B spiced  with reggae. 
He has worked with reputable celebrity artistes and producer such as E kelly, Koffi candyman, Ade piper, Boomerang, E Kelly,  Rymzo de Gusto to mention few. 


Birth name  : Oluwatobi Wande Ojosipe
Also known as  : Wande Coal
Born  :  18 October 1985 (age 30)
Genres : Afro Pop, Afro hip-hop, R&B
Occupation  : Singer-songwriter
Years active  :  2006–present
Labels : Black Diamond Entertainment,
Wande, a.k.a. Captain Mushin [ @kingkun_], like most great musicians started singing in the teenage choir at his church. He got his break in the Nigerian entertainment industry as a dancer. He continued improving on his vocals skills and got signed to Don Jazzy's Mo'hits records in 2006. He featured on D'banj's Rundown/Funk you up album on singles such as "Loke", "tonosibe" and "why me".  Being signed to Mo' Hits records he is also a member of the Mo' Hits allstars and played a major role in the released CV (Curriculum Vitae) album. His first single of the CV album, "Ololufe", has been described as one of the greatest love songs ever written by a Nigerian. Wande Coal later released his debut album 'Mushin to Mo'Hits which was widely received across Nigeria, UK and the USA. 

Wande Coal has also recorded tracks with other Nigerian artists including ikechukwu, Naeto C, Dr SID, D'Prince, Wizkid and many more. In 2012 following a fallout between record label Executives Don Jazzy and D'banj, Wande Coal, Dr SID and D'Prince signed on to Don Jazzy's new Record Label Mavin Records with the addition of Tiwa Savage from 323 entertainment acting as the first lady of mavin records. Wande Coal left Mavin Records in 2013. In October 2013, he released a single called "Baby Face".


 Talented singer TJan who has been on a hit spree since the beginning of 2015 churns out a KukBeatz production for the ladies titled TEMI. The NEA Most Promising Act nominee has shown that he is one raging musical storm that is here to stay.



Real Name: Augustine Miles KelechirnStage Name: Tekno 
MilesrnDate of Birth: December 17th, 1992 {for those interested 
in Tekno Miles age}rnRecord Label: Made Men Music Group 
(Triple MG)rnOccupation: SingerrnTekno Miles Biography 
andrnsongsrnTekno miles is the youngest member of the Made 
Men Music Group (Triple MG) referred to as â€Å“the chris brown 
of Nigeria” due to his talent asrna singer and dance style, he is 
from a family of 4 brothers and 1 sister from Ebonyi State, 
Nigeria.rnTekno Miles has been playing piano since the age of 
eight w hen his father enrolled him into a music class and later 
learnt how to play other instrument like drums, and guitar.rnHe 
was intially under K. Money before signing for Triple MG 
labelrnOfficial Singles before Made Men Music Group (Triple 
MG)rnHoliday featuring DavidornOnyenekwu and remix 
featuring Ice PrincernRelated: Kiss Daniel BiographyrnAmong 
other music of Tekno Miles songsrnDuro Produced by DJ 
CoublonrnPray For Nigeria along side Ice PrincernAnythingrnGo 
LowrnJonzingrnFeatured InrnSnippet by Ice PrincernFeeling 
You by RIMArnGive Them by PrinceBoom along side Reekado 
BanksrnPanya by BracketrnI Hear Ya by MoskyrnBadman by 
TillarnYudala by Triple MG along side Iyanya, Selebobo, Baci and 
MystrornBum Bum by Stylezz alongside AmenrnKilling Me Slow 
by JoshBeatzrnShaba by Young DrnA̢۪won Boyz by Forever.


Description: Genre:
Afro Hip Hop Raps and R&B.
Current Location: Lagos Nigeria 
Artists   Biography: DOMINIC IDOWU a.k.a ''SHELIROY''....One of the most Nigerian anticipated talented Yoruba Artiste.....a native of ''UGHELLI'' in DELTA STATE, was born and brought up in Lagos Island (NIGERIA) .
Though His songs may seem playful, but it characterises spontaneous rhymes, word play, punch lines and absolute brilliance. Watch out for ''SHELIROY''


Birth name :  Damini Ogulu
Born 2 July 1991 (age 24)[1]
Garden City Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
Origin :  Ahoada, Rivers State, Nigeria
Genres  : Reggae-dancehall
Occupation(s) :  Singer-songwriter, performer, dancer
Years active  :  2010–present
Associated acts AKA, Da L.E.S, Leriq, 2face Idibia, Timaya, Reminisce, Wizkid, Davido, Iyanya, Sarkodie, D'banj, Lynxxx

Burna Boy was born on 2 July 1991 to Mr. and Mrs. Ogulu. He grew up in Ahoada, Rivers State, and later relocated to Lagos State. He attended Montessori International School, and later attended Corona, Agbara for his secondary school in Lagos. In a 2013 interview with the net, Burna Boy said that he was looking at launching his own company at the start of 2014.

In 31 May 2012, Burna Boy released a single titled "Like To Party" which saw his rise to prominence. On 5 September 2012, the video for "Like to Party" was released. The music video, which was shot by Squareball Media services, ran for 4 minutes and 9 seconds.

In 24 September 2012, Burna Boy released a single titled "Tonight" On 31 December 2012, he released the video for the song. In the music video, Burna Boy expresses his innate feelings.


Location  :  Nigeria
Genre  :  Dancehall/Reggae fusion
Record  Label: Independent 
Artist  :  Squeeze Tarela
Birth name :  Tarela Henry Ekaye
Nationality :  Nigerian
Year active  :  2007-Present
University : Uniben 

SQUEEZE  is a Nigerian Dancehall/Reggae artist who hails from 

the Niger-delta region of Nigeria.He has mastered his act with a 

little blend of Nigerian pidgin in it stylishly.He has coined out 

the meaning of his name personally as a melodious rhythm 

squeezer.With the likes of Sizzla kalonji,Buju banton,Beanie 

Man,Wyclef Jean,The Fugees and Anthony Hamilton as his 

infleunce,every lover of Dancehall/Reggae will identify with this 

act as been unique,creative and soulful.
Gender Male

Vector Tha Viper

Vector Tha Viper Unilag Product. 

Birth name : Olanrewaju Ogunmefun

Also known as :  V.E.C
Born : Ogun,  Nigeria
Genres :   Hip hop, Naija
Occupation(s) :    Singer-Songwriter, rapper
Years active: 2008–present
Labels :   G.R.A.P
Associated acts 2 Face Idibia, Sauce Kid, Mavado, 9ice, Timaya, DJ Jimmy Jatt, Ice Prince, Iyanya, Wizkid, DJ Xclusive, Terry G, SeyiShay, Faze, Shank, Sexy Steel, Sledge, Ade Piper, Oritse Femi, DJ Mewsic, Shaydee, Hakym The Dream, Wizboy, Don Tom, Tillaman, Morell, Godwon

Vector released his first official single "Kilode" featuring yungkhida for the album "State of surprise" in February 2010. He later released the video for this single in June 2010.[8]His second official single was "Mary Jane" which was released in April of the same year. The album was released on 29 October 2010 & Executive Produced by Eloka "Culture" Oligbo. It includes 15 songs, Intro & 2 skits. His album featured the likes of 2 Face Idibia, General Pype, Chuddy K, Ade Piper, Emmsong, Sista Soul and with productions from H-Code, Sam Klef, Da Piano, J-Smith, Xela Xelz and Vibez Production just to name a few.
He also released a video for the song "Get Down" featuring 2 Face in June 2011. At the "Nigerian Music Video Awards 2011", he was then nominated for "Best Mainstream Hip Hop Video". He was also nominated at the "Nigerian Entertainment Awards 2010" for "Best Collaboration With Vocals" with the track "Champion" in which he was featured in by General Pype.

He has after then done other songs and has been featured in various songs by notable artistes. His 2 singles "Angeli" ft. 9ice and "Mr. Vector" featuring Jazzy, both produced by Sagzy were released on 19 May 2011 and were on heavy rotation on radio stations around the country. The video for "Angeli" which features 9ice was released in October, 2011.

Vector released the track "Born Leader" featuring Jamaican international Mavado who is under DJ Khaled's We the Best Music Group. Born Leader is Vector’s 3rd single off his second album titled The 2nd Coming. He also shot the video in Miami Florida at the exclusive G-Five and it was directed by Antwan Smith. In August 2013 he was featured by Pheelz a producer on a song titled "Popular" which gained major airplay in radio stations across Nigeria. The video which was released in December of the same year saw vector showcasing the people that made him popular like Keke 'Baba Keke' Ogungbe the CEO of Kennis Music,DJ Jimmy Jatt and others,cameos was made from various Nigerian artists like KWAM1,Femi Kuti,D'Banj,Olamide,Wizkid,Tiwa Savage,Solid Star,Seyi Shay,ill Bliss,Chidinma,Phyno,Kayswitch,etc.

In January 2015 vector released a highly critically acclaimed rap single titled "King Kong" and the video was released on the same month. Due to the high success of the single vector released two remixes with the first one featuring Phyno,Reminisce,Classiq,and Uzi, and the second one featuring Ghanaian rapper Sarkodie which was released in May and June of 2015 respectively. The video for the remix featuring Phyno,Reminisce,Classiq,and Uzi was released in July 2015. In July 15 he released a fresh single titled "Kanawan Dabo" and in July 24 he released a freestyle titled "8".


Wednesday 25 November 2015

YC Performed @ The Vintage Lounge a few weeks ago ..

         YC Performed @ The Vintage Lounge a few weeks ago ... more pictures to come stay Tuned !            Unilag Entertainments